Terra Exploration Solutions and Technologies
TEST Co is established as an International Consulting Company
Terra Exploration Solutions and Technologies – TEST Co is established as an International Consulting Company with central office based in Austria (Leoben) and has branch representations in Moscow (Russia) and Baku (Azerbaijan). The Company is providing High-Tech and High-Quality Solutions and Advanced Services in GeoScience for Petroleum Industry and offers Environmental and Civil Engineering studies. TEST Co is capable to propose the High-Quality Services to carry out projects of Geological and Geophysical Interpretation, Reservoir Modelling, Civil Engineering and Geo-Engineering, Environmental studies, Drilling and Well construction design, Reservoir Simulations, Risk assessments, Tunnels and Roads constructions, Geopphysical and Geological survey design, Groundwater directions mapping, geological / environmental hazards monitoring, etc.

TEST Co offers for clients field studies, consultancy services, assistance and cooperation based on technical, economic, financial and legal regulations standardized in Petroleum exploration and Environmental Engineering. TEST Co supports clients on all stages of project execution from data gathering till final results deliveries. For the projects studies, TEST Co involves the recent invented technologies and software applications products.

The Company experts are experienced in the different type of geological basins and environments with complex tectonic and geological hazards. The company can provide a wide range of services in different geological and environmental conditions and Company Experts have proved experience from Europe, CIS, North Africa, Latin America and other regions.
A wide range of published papers on various international levels assists the High Reputation of TEST Company Consultancies.